Important Note to Visitors
This Site is Updated in as close Chronological Order as possible
Presenting the Reader with Information as to :
Presenting the Reader with Information as to :
* How my Story of Malassezia Yeast Fungus has Developed
* Its Complex Nature and Behaviour and what it takes to Control it
* Why Some Treatments seem to appear working, then Failing
* What has been Discovered and Experimented with, along the way
* Illustrate the Progress made to this point
* And Help with Faster Results
Malassezia is not a creature one could treat with a dub of 'x' substance
at night and wake up next morning free and happily ever after.
It is part of natural Body Flora and practically always Present and Persistent,
Malassezia is not a creature one could treat with a dub of 'x' substance
at night and wake up next morning free and happily ever after.
It is part of natural Body Flora and practically always Present and Persistent,
Understanding the Nature of the Problem is the Key to Successful Control
There is no redundant information here, since part of the Purpose of this Site
is to Inform of the different methods and substances that have been used
is to Inform of the different methods and substances that have been used
and Results achieved, whether Successes or Failures,
potentially saving from Unnecessary Inconvenience Pain and Costs involved.
Please Note:
All Entries are Interrelated, therefore reading some entries
in isolation from the rest, may result in misunderstandings
and / or raising questions prematurely when the answers
may already be there.
in isolation from the rest, may result in misunderstandings
and / or raising questions prematurely when the answers
may already be there.
It is therefore Highly Recommended Reading the Entries
in their Chronological Order wherever possible.
in their Chronological Order wherever possible.
(NOV 12)
* * *
‘Malassezia Yeast ~ My Story’
All Three Malassezia Sites
Have Now Been Revised and Updated
Sonatas Story:
Malassezia Yeast – My Personal Battle:
Malassezia Yeast ~ My Story:
More Entries, more Photos and Recent Commentary
Please Note:
All Links Inside Entries Redirect to the New Site
Only the New One will be Updated from here onwards
as the two older ones have reached their full capacity
To Remain within the Viewing Site
Please Use The Links on the Right Side Menu.
The New site is
Malassezia Yeast ~ My Story:
* * *
July 12
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Aiming at helping people
suffering the effects
of Malassezia Yeast
Fungous or Demodex
such as:
* Painful, Burning, Itchy Bumps or Lesions on Bod
* Itchy Bumps or Lesions on Scalp, Upper Body
As well as Private
Areas - Internally and Externally.
Paper Cut Sores - * Blepharitis
* Itchy, Gritty
Scalp *Thinning and or Falling Hair
Itchy, Dry, Scaly, Stretched Skin
by sharing personal information and experiences
with different
treatments and methods.
Nothing to Sell or Advertise
- Nor affiliated with any Business
I have Deliberately
Refrained from linking this site
with Any Advertising of any Kind in an Effort to
Present Information
that Can Be Trusted for its
Truthfulness without any hidden motives.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *